Site Assessment Form

The information you provide will help us to determine whether we can provide our Rural High Speed at your location.

All fields marked with * are required.

Do you know your GPS coordinates?
If you know your property's GPS coordinates, enter them here. If not, find the latitude and longitude for your address by clicking on this link, or leave these fields blank and we'll find them for you.
Directions to your house from main road.
Please describe any surrounding trees, estimating how high they are, and which sides of the house they are on.
TV antenna tower
Is there a TV antenna tower on your house?
If there is a TV tower, how high is it?
Other structures
Are there any garages or other structures close by?
If there are structures nearby, what are they?
This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Enter the characters shown in the image.

We take your privacy very seriously. Any information provided here will remain confidential and will not be shared with any third party.