Beachburg Television Bundles

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NRTC Basics Trio

for TV, Internet and phone for first three months!
(After: $114.95/mo)

The best value Basic TV lineup on the market! TSN, Sportsnet, US networks included
Includes 45 channels with local news, weather, shopping, music, and more
Includes internet up to 10Mbps speed with UNLIMITED data. Home WiFi network included.
Customize your lineup with Theme Packs or Your Choice channels
HomePhone with choice of 5 calling features
Add WholeHome PVR for $14.95/mo.
Upgrade up to 20Mbps speed for $20/mo.

NRTC Favourites Trio

for TV, Internet and phone for first three months!
(After: $164.95/mo)

Favourites lineup includes our most popular picks, with family, sports, comedy and more included!
Plus, you get all of the Basics channels, including Sportsnet, TSN and North American networks!
Internet up to 20Mbps with UNLIMITED data. Home WiFi network included.
HomePhone with choice of 5 calling features
PVR with WholeHome HD included.
Customize your lineup with Theme Packs or Your Choice channels
Upgrade to 30Mbps for only $20/mo

NRTC Ultimate Trio

for TV, Internet and phone for first three months!
(After: $214.95/mo)

You get ALL Theme Packs included
You get all of the Basics channels, including Sportsnet, TSN and North American networks!
PVR with WholeHome HD included.
Internet up to 30Mbps speed with UNLIMITED data. Home WiFi network included
HomePhone with choice of 5 calling features


Long-distance is 4¢ per minute, 24 hours a day in Canada/US. Installation and activation for current phone customers is currently waived with a 12-month contract. Installation fees may apply for new customers. Please ask for details. NRTC TV available only where technology permits. Prices based on installation of one TV. Extra TV installation $50 each. Extra set top box $5.00/month. NRTC HD hardware required to view HD content on your HDTV. Contact us to determine availability of NRTC services at your location. Download speeds can vary depending on a variety of factors. Prices do not include long distance or taxes.